
Through the looking glass

The underwater world is hidden from view but is a world apart from that found above water. I have never felt this so strongly as on a recent dive to a truly magical place beneath the waves in Lock Duich, Scotland.

New Year, New World

So these are my New Year resolutions for 2023, and I am confident I will stick to them because my grandsons are precious and it is the least I can do for them. If enough people start to act like we’re in an emergency we can change the world.

Where has all the litter gone?

I have found nothing more shocking and depressing than walking on an exposed beach in the aftermath of a storm and seeing an endless swathe of micro-plastic stretching into the distance, coating all surfaces, smothering pools and sticking to everything it touches. But it’s when you look closely by your feet that the true horror…

Stalked Jellyfish – jewels of the sea.

During the cold and wave-tossed winter months, the underwater seaweed garden in Kimmeridge Bay undergoes a magical transformation. Unseen by all but a few curious crabs and tiny sea snails, the delicate red and brown seaweed fronds are decorated with tiny jewels – the stalked jellyfish have arrived.


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