Eggs is eggs – a beginners guide to seashore eggs

During the Coronavirus lockdown, those people close enough to take their permitted daily walk on a beach are finding a variety of marine eggs and may be wondering what sea creatures are producing them. I thought a brief guide of the more commonly found eggs might help. As the birds are busy building nests andContinue reading “Eggs is eggs – a beginners guide to seashore eggs”

Waving the flag for conservation

During the COVID-19 pandemic, while staying safely at home, with a rare amount of time on my hands, I got to thinking about what makes an animal a “flagship species”. Why does one species capture peoples’ imagination and interest while another, similar species survives in obscurity? Wildlife conservation organisations have come to realise that byContinue reading “Waving the flag for conservation”

Hello from Essential Guide to Rockpooling!

Having been furloughed from my job because of the CORVID-19 pandemic, I find myself at a bit of a loose end. My job in marine wildlife conservation largely consists of finding ways to introduce our wonderful marine wildlife to people in the UK. More specifically, in Dorset on the south coast of England. With noContinue reading “Hello from Essential Guide to Rockpooling!”

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